Agro industry, what is this ?
The industrialization of agriculture and the globalization of markets have considerably modified agricultural practices. A new economic entity has been formed around agriculture and agri-food. Its players and main activities aim to meet a growing need for the sector in the world of finance and business. But what exactly is agribusiness?
Agro-industry is a relatively recent term which designates all economic activities relating to production, transformation and the marketing products from agriculture.
At the antipodes of classic agriculture which was essentially subsistence farming, this sector is based on the enormous production capacity of the current mechanization of the production and transformation process. Halfway between the fields of production, the world of transformation and that of marketing, agro-industry encompasses a multitude of very diversified activities around products from agriculture and the agri-food sector. .
Agro-industry fully covers economic activities linked to the agricultural sector in the financial and commercial sectors, ranging from inputs to the marketing of agricultural products through industrial processing, while also being interested in production and sale fertilizers, seeds, agricultural machinery and the agri-food industry. Given the new challenges in agriculture, such as the integration of new technologies, globalization, intensive cultivation, the environment, this is the sector which best understands the realities but also the current challenges of the agricultural sector. .
FMB EXPORT is mainly dedicated to supporting companies working in the agro-industry sector.
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